

Fishing Flies - Discount and Premium!

Fly Fishing Flies - Custom Tied

You can purchase both Discount and Premium flies here in the MidCurrent Store!

Our Fly Outpost bulk flies are perfect if you're looking for low-cost flies to start a new fly box or refill an old one. We offer a wide variety of popular patterns and all flies are excellent quality. Plus shipping from the Fly Outpost is FREE in the US.

Our Small Batch Flies are tied by our curated professional tiers to meet the highest standards for materials, construction, and durability.  Not only are these flies personally tested and fished by the tiers, but they also reflect the individual stories of the tiers and their passion for the sport. These flies are tied to order and usually shipped within 3-5 days.

View Our Huge Selection of Discount Flies

View Our Small Batch Premium Flies